Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Ultimate Invitation

The Ultimate Invitation <>

One could not receive a more appealing invitation than the one Jesus gave us in Matthew 11:28-30. He invites us to walk with Him and learn of Him, assuring us that when we do we'll find rest for our souls. Is there a human being who does not, at some time in their lives, need that rest?
Do not all of us need it as we consider eternity?

It isn't what Jesus offers, however, that makes this the "ultimate invitation." It becomes the "ultimate invitation" because Jesus offers it! Jesus, Son of God and Son of Man, speaks to common people, everyday people, and invites them to spend time with Him.

I know a missionary to East Africa who is tall, fair-skinned and blue-eyed. His Scandinavian descent is written over every inch of him! He tells the story of walking with dark-skinned African men, holding hands with them along the journey as is the custom in that part of the world.

Those who hear him tell the story of the looks they received always laugh; the image is striking! It dawned on me one day that we can change the image just a bit and understand Jesus' "ultimate invitation." He says to us, Come, take my hand and walk with Me. Let's talk about life and rest and the needs of your soul.

A friend of mine challenged me recently, knowing that I enjoy writing, to start a blog. He thinks I need a diversion from the everyday pressures of life. As I thought about the challenge one question came to mind: What do I write about?

Walking with Jesus, living in the yoke, is my passion. I want to know Him as well as I can. I want to see Jesus' life formed in me. Everything else is less important. Bill Welte's invitation to write the weekend Freedom Fighters for October gives me opportunity to start writing for that blog.

I invite you to walk with me as we walk together in the yoke. Let's discover together what living in the yoke means for us and how it changes our lives. I'm convinced this walk in yoke with Jesus is the best walk we'll ever take. (Pastor John Strain - First Baptist of Toms

Great quote: Lord, save us from worrying, lest ulcers be our badge for our lack of faith. Peter Marshall

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