Friday, July 13, 2007



Colossians 2:6-7 “ So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”

Bearing in this context does not refer to putting up with someone. It refers to how one carries oneself in life. It refers to one’s testimony with the outside world (1Tim. 3:7 – “a good reputation with outsiders”).

Back in my Navy days (or Daze!) We underwent an annual performance evaluation. One aspect that was evaluated was “Military Bearing.” This area evaluated whether you conducted yourself like a military person ought. As a joke, a friend used to carry a single ball bearing in his pocket and called it his military bearing.

Paul reminds us in the above passage that if we claim to know Jesus, our lives out to look like one who knows Jesus. Rooted and built up in Him -- a life that is grounded in Christ. We ought to lead a life that is worthy to be called Christian. If people compared your life to the world, would you stand out in contrast to it, or would you blend into it. Hopefully it will stand in contrast to the world. Unfortunately for some, people can’t tell the difference.

Christian Bearing is the ability for the world to see that we’re different. And to stand firm in our beliefs not acquiesce like so many do. Paul encourages us to “Walk in Him;” (NASB) to let our life be a reflection of the life of Christ in all we do. How are we doing with this? Do people see you life as a man of God? Or do they see something that more closely resembles the world? Do you project an aura of godliness? Keep in mind – this has nothing to do with outward appearances (although man does look on them). It has to do with the internal characteristic that flows out into the life of the believer to impact the world for Christ and His Kingdom.

(Mike Woods – Director of Addiction Recovery for Men – America’s KESWICK)

Great Quote: The Shepherd does not ask of thee, faith in thy faith, but only faith in Him: and this He meant in saying, 'Come unto me'. In light or darkness seek to do His will, and leave the work of faith to Jesus still. Anonymous

Count down to Prophecy Week – Listen to the news and you have to wonder how all this fits into the big picture! Well for answers, why not consider our Prophecy week coming up with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. We are offering a special 25% discount for Freedom Fighters the week of July 22-27. Call today for information: 732-350-1187.

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