Monday, July 09, 2007


"God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts but one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I don't need you!' And the head cannot say to the feet, 'I don't need you!' (1 Corinthians 12:18-21)

To follow up from yesterday's Freedom Fighter, I hope you are connected to a local church and are supporting your pastor as well as the ministry. I love the definition that Mark Dever has for the church: "A group of pardoned rebels ... whom God wants to use to display His glory ... before all the heavenly host ... because they tell the truth about Him ... and look increasingly just like him - holy, loving, united!" Isn't that a cool definition?

Someone once said, "If you are looking for the perfect church, don't join it! You've just ruined it!" The church is a family - and families aren't perfect. Of course, maybe yours it. But I seriously doubt it! So many people are bailing out of church, some for legitimate reasons, but often for the wrong reasons. As I said yesterday, I have a number of friends who are currently in that struggle of working through church issues. I am thankful God has led us to a church where God's Word is faithfully proclaimed. It is an imperfect church, with struggles and challenges. But we know that we belong there.

If you are in that mode of looking for a church, please read yesterday's Freedom Fighter if you missed it. (You can check it out at But if you are looking for the RIGHT reasons, here is what Mark Dever suggests in his new book, WHAT IS A HEALTHY CHURCH?, published by Crossway:


1. Pray.

2. Seek counsel from a godly pastor or from elders.

3. Keep your priorities straight.

* The gospel must be truly affirmed, clearly preached, and
faithfully lived out. A serious lack in any of these expressions of the gospel is very dangerous.

* The preaching must be faithful to the Scripture, personally
challenging, and central to the congregation's life. You will only grow spiritually where Scripture is treated as the highest authority.

* Also very important is to consider HOW the church regulates
baptism, the Lord's Supper, church membership and church discipline.

4. Ask yourself diagnostic questions such as:

* Would I want to find a spouse who has been brought up under
this church's teaching?

* What picture of Christianity will my children see in this
church - something distinct or something a lot like the world?

* Would I be happy to invite non-Christians to this church? That
is, would they clearly hear the gospel and see lives consistent with it?
Does the church have a heart for welcoming and reaching non-Christians?

5. Consider geography. Would the church's physical proximity to your
home encourage or discourage frequent involvement and service? If you're moving to a new area, try to locate a good church home before you buy a house.

Good advice if you are looking for a church! Bottom line is - get connected and stay connect! From time to time people ask me for book recommendations. I love encouraging people to become readers. I have added a recommended reading list to the website: Check it out. All books can be ordered from the Keswick Book and Gift Shop (732-350-1187 ext.22).

Great quote: Conversion is turning with our whole lives from self-justification to Christ's justification, from self-rule to God's rule, from idol worship to God worship." - Mark Dever

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