Friday, January 05, 2007



"O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and
when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going
out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways." - Psalm

"An old adage defines a friends as 'one who knows all about you - and
likes you anyway.' Few of us are secure enough to let our real selves
show except to those friends and relatives who are closer to us. We come
actors, learning at an early age to portray a different, more polished
role in public - in conversation, in play, and in work.

We may become so accustomed to this acting that we don't even realize we
are doing it. Yet God knows. He knows every part of us, every secret
role we play, every hidden thing we do. He's perfectly familiar with
that part of us we consider too playful and immature or too brassy and
dramatic. The part that, when it shows, causes us to shudder and hope no
one notices. But God sees. And he loves us anyway.

What freedom we find when we realize we can stand before our Creator
without dread, knowing he sees every intimate part of us and yet does
not despise those traits that we consider less than desirable. God knows
our ways because he wove together all our parts (see Psalm 139:13).

David completely understood that God made him, knew him, and loved him.
For only by knowing this could the king allow himself to dance 'with all
his might' before the procession that brought the ark back to town. When
someone criticized the young ruler for his rather undignified behavior,
David answered simply, 'It was before the Lord, who chose me ... I will
celebrate before the Lord.' (see 2 Samuel 6:14-21).

God saw it all ... every part of David's character: the courage and the
childlike joy, the honor and the humility. And he knew it would take all
of those ingredients for David to become the great king God wanted him
to be. In the same way, God has given to us diverse traits and
characteristics so that we can be the people he wants us to be." From
DAYS OF YOUR WEEK, published by Howard.

Great Quote: "The best prayers have often more groans than words." John

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