Sunday, December 10, 2006



"Worship the Lord your God; it is he who will deliver you from the hand
of all your enemies."
2 Kings 17:39

"Whenever we come to worship, we come to celebrate. Worship is not
intended to be a quiet, regal, dignified event where the Spirit of God
is kept locked up in our hearts. Rather, it is a joyful celebration of
God's goodness and salvation.

All of us have some reason to celebrate something that God has done in
our lives. If may be a victory over defeatism or over spiritual shyness.
We may have been delivered from our enemies. Deliverance from poverty.
Deliverance from ignorance. Deliverance from frustration. Deliverance
from a failed marriage. Deliverance from substance abuse. Deliverance
from temptation. Deliverance from senseless spending habits. Deliverance
from fears and anxiety. Deliverance from venomous speech. But most of
all, each of us can celebrate being delivered from the hand of spiritual
and eternal death. OUR GOOD GOD HAS SET US FREE!

Therefore, when we gather for worship, it's not a funeral! It's not a
morbid gathering of morbid people, but a gathering of vibrant, animated,
dynamic, lively, spirited, intense, and red-hot people who understand
that it was God's grace that woke them up in the morning. It was grace
that kept them all week long. It was grace that brought them to the
house of worship.

Worship is for celebrating the goodness and grace of God. It is for
celebrating what He has done in the past and what He is doing right now.
And if you want to shout, then shout. If you want to run, then run. If
you want to dance (uh oh!), then dance. If you want to cry, then cry. If
you want to hold up your hands, then hold them up. If you want to wave
your arms, then wave your arms. JUST CELEBRATE!"

From HOW GREAT THOU ART published by Multnomah

Good words as you prepare your heart for your worship CELEBRATION! Think
twice about the dance! :-) Have a great day in Christ!

Great Quote: During this Advent season as we celebrate the new
relationship between God and his people, may that be mirrored in our
renewed relationships with spouses, children, family and those near and
dear to us. May we speak tenderly to each other amidst all the rush of
the season and transform the shopping days till Christmas into the true
Advent of Christ. Casely Essamuah

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