Saturday, December 16, 2006



"Glory is what God is all about. Whenever we talk about His character or
attributes - like holiness, love, compassion, justice, truth, or mercy -
that's God's glory. When He reveals Himself in any of those qualities,
we say that He is 'glorifying Himself.' And I have discovered He does
this most often in the course of daily life, not in the blaze of a

Not long ago I entered a friend's home and immediately sensed the glory
of God. My impression was not based on some heebie-jeebie feeling or
super-spiritual instinct, nor did it come from the Christian plaques I
spotted hanging in the hallway. A peace and orderliness pervaded the
home. Joy and music hung in the air. Although the kids were normal,
active youngsters, everyone's activity seemed to dovetail - the home had
direction, the kids really cared about each other, the parents put love
into action.

After dinner I left the home refreshed. It was a place where God's
essential being was on display. His kindness, His love, His justice.
That home was filled with God's glory.

You and I glorify God every time we reveal His attributes in the course
of our daily lives. His glory isn't reserved for a temple of stone or
some heavenly vista. It can shine out clearly while we're changing a
flat on the freeway, or counseling an angry co-worker, or lying in a
hospital bed, or balancing two crying babies in the church nursery.
Whenever those around us see God's character displayed in our attitudes
and responses, we are displaying His glory.

Far from being some spacey concept out of a theology text, glory is as
close as your next breath, as real as the smile on a dark day, as warm
as the clasp of a caring hand." Joni Eareckson Tada - HOW GREAT THOU ART
- published by Multnomah

Great quote: "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more that all we
ask or imagine, according to his power that works within us, to HIM be
glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for
ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21

Good stuff to think about as we prepare for the Lord's day!

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