Wednesday, December 13, 2006



"For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of
the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father; but is of the
world." (1 John 2:15-16)

"Faith empowers a soul to quench the pleasing temptations of the wicked
one. This is called our 'victory that overcomes the world, even faith'
(1 John 5:4). Faith plants its triumphant banner on the world's head.
And John tells us what God means by 'the world': 'Love not the world ...
for all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the
eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father; but is of the world.'
All that is in the world is food and fuel for lust. Now faith enables
the soul to quench those darts which Satan dips into the poison of
worldly lusts - called by some the world's 'trinity.'

This is temptation which promises pleasure to the flesh. It carries such
fire in it that when it finds a carnal heart, it quickly inflames with
unruly passions and coarse affections. The adulterer burns in his lust
and the drunkard is inflamed with his wine.

No temptations work more eagerly than those which promise delight to the
flesh. Sinners are said to 'work all uncleanness with greediness' - with
a kind of covetousness; for the Word suggests they can never have enough
(Ephesians 4:19). No drink will quench a poisoned man's thirst. Nothing
but faith can help a soul in these flames. In hell Dives burns without a
drop of water to cool the lip of his tongue. The unbelieving sinner is
in a hell above ground; he burns in his lust without a drop of water,
for lack of faith, to quench the fire.

By faith the martyrs 'quenched the violence of the fire' (Hebrews
11:34). 'We ourselves where sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived,
serving diverse lusts and pleasures ... but after that the kindness and
love of God our Savior toward man appeared ... he saved us' (Titus
3:3-5). No one can ever shake off the old companions of lust until by
faith he becomes intimate with the grace of God revealed in the Gospel.
Faith strips away the veil from the Christian's eyes so he can so sin in
its nakedness before Satan disguises it with flattering costumes." From
THE CHRISTIAN IN COMPLETE ARMOUR ... Daily Readings in Spiritual Warfare
by William Gurnall (Moody Press).

Think about it!

Great quote: "When the Spirit of God rests on a man in the midst of the
impossible, God does a mighty work!" - Henry Blackaby

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