Thursday, October 12, 2006



Do you like your job? Are you fulfilled? Do you look at your job as a
necessary evil or do you enjoy what you do?

I guess I have a weird personality (no comments from the peanut gallery)
... but I have been blessed with positions that I have really enjoyed. I
enjoy what I do at America's KESWICK. Now I would be lying to you if I
would say that there has never been a day that I have thought or said,
"I can't do this anymore" or "I am throwing in the towel." But those
days are relatively few.

I read this quote recently: "Find out what you love to do and you will
never have to work another day in your life." Now it intrigues me as to
how many principles the world teaches that come from the Scriptures.
Today in my reading of Proverbs, and I hope that there are many of you
that are still on that journey with me, I came across this verse: "The
diligent find FREEDOM in their work; the lazy are oppressed by work."
(Proverbs 12:24)

"A designer in Dallas, Texas, was once asked by a client to build a
large, elaborate model. It was one that called for several building
interiors and hundreds of human figures. The model was to be created in
a scale of one inch to five feet, which meant that each of the human
figures was only a little more than an inch in height. Each had to be
hand-painted, using a brush with a single hair.

As the designer hunched over his table one day, painstakingly painting
the figures and then carefully gluing them in place, one of his
employees asked him, 'Don't you find this tedious?'

The designer replied, 'Tedious?' My goodness, no! I've loved making and
painting models ever since I made my first model airplane at age seven.
I just can't believe someone is actually paying me to do this!

Whether you work with your hands or your mind, loving what you do is the
secret to having 'fun' while you make money. Indeed, work will cease to
be "work." A kindergarten teach once said about her class of
five-year-olds, 'They build and tear down and rebuild in a day more than
most construction workers do in weeks, but they never call it work. They

How about you, my friend? Do you have FREEDOM in your work today? Or are
you oppressed? Might be a good time to step back and prayerfully look at
what you are doing. Good thoughts to ponder today.

Great quote: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient
paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest
for your souls . . . " Jeremiah 6:16 (NIV)

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