Saturday, October 07, 2006



"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course ..." 2 Timothy

It's hard to believe, but another one of my staff members went home to
be with Jesus last night at 8:30 PM. Chaplain Bill Blackley has been a
faithful servant of the Lord for many years at the Colony of Mercy. He
was saved as a child at the rescue mission where his parents served in
New York and committed his life to serving the Lord through preaching
and playing his cornet. Last evening after having major heart surgery
several days ago, at age 85, he closed his eyes on earth and opened them
in glory!

Someone said, "The test of a first-rate work is that you finish it!"

"The Brooklyn Bridge, which links Brooklyn to Manhattan Island, is one
of the most famous bridges in the world. At the time it was first
conceived in 1883, however, bridge-building experts throughout the world
told the designer, a creative engineer by the name of John Roebling,
that his idea wouldn't work.

Roebling convinced his son Washington, who was also an engineer, that
his idea had merit. The two of them developed the concept, resolved the
problems others forecast, and enthusiastically hired a crew to build
their bridge.

After only a few months of building, a tragic on-site accident took
John's life and severely injured Washington, who became unable to talk
or walk. Everyone thought the project would have to be abandoned, since
the Roeblings were the only ones who knew the dynamics of building the

Washington, however, could still THINK, and he had a burning desire to
see the bridge finished. As he lay in his hospital bed, he had an idea!
He would communicate with the engineers by using one finger to tap in
code on his wife's arm what he wanted to tell them.

Washington tapped out his instructions for 13 years until the bridge was
built!" (from God's Little Devotional Book for Leaders - Honor Books)

How about you? Are you going to faithfully complete and finish what God
has called YOU to do? Thanks, Chaplain Blackley for the impact you had
on hundreds of men who came through the Colony of Mercy. Thanks for
showing us the example of how to finish well!

Good quote: "Whenever I am conscious of Satan's presence, I try to
follow the formula once offered by a little girl: "When Satan knocks, I
just send Christ to the door." Billy Graham

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