Monday, October 23, 2006



"God doesn't want to discourage you or spoil you. Embrace the difficult
circumstances you find yourself in - even when you feel they will
overwhelm you. Allow God to mold your THROUGH the events He allows to
enter your life. This will make you flexible toward the will of God. The
events of life are like a furnace for the heart. All your impurities are
melted and your old ways are lost.

As for the humiliation you feel when you see your faults - simply see
how sensitive your self-love is. The pain you feel at your own
imperfection is worse that the faults themselves. Your problem really is
that you become so irritated by seeing YOUR faults. Learn to live with
yourself as you really are without being so upset. If you do this, you
will soon have peace.

Patiently endure the ups and downs of everyday life. Behind every
annoying circumstance, learn to see God governing all things. See that
He trains you THROUGH troubling situations as well as pleasant ones. The
intrusions that God sends you will in no doubt upset your plans and
oppose all that you want. But they will also chase you toward God. Sit
still before Him and yield your will to Him. Your unbending will shall
begin to learn flexibility.

EVERYTHING that comes from God's hand produces good fruit. Sometimes the
annoyances that make you long for solitude are better for producing
humility than the most complete solitude could be. Use the circumstances
of each moment to the fullest. Sometimes an exciting book, or an
inspirational devotional time, or a deep conversation about spiritual
matters will make you feel extremely satisfied with yourself. You will
believe that you are farther along than you really are. TALKING about
the cross is not all the same as EXPERIENCING it.

So remember this: Do not seek annoying circumstances, but when they come
bear them in peace. It is easy to delude yourself! Do not seek God as if
He were far off in an ivory castle. He is found in the MIDDLE of the
events of your everyday life. Look past the obstacles and find Him."
From THE SEEKING HEART by Fenelon, written over 400 years ago!

"And not only this ... but we EXULT in our tribulations, knowing that
tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, produces
character; and proven character hope; and hope does not disappoint,
because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through
the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:3-5

Great quote: When we are spiritually free, we do not have to worry about
what to say or do in unexpected, difficult circumstances. When we are
not concerned about what others think of us or what we will get for what
we do, the right words and actions will emerge from the centre of our
beings because the Spirit of God, who makes us children of God and sets
us free, will speak and act through us.

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