Tuesday, October 03, 2006



Today is our 11th annual fundraising Golf Tournament for the ministry of
the Colony of Mercy, and we are looking forward to a great day.

I am not a golfer. In fact, I am athletically challenged. Sports has
never been my thing, so it really amazes me how determined golfers are
about their sport. The "golfers" I know are not just casual golfers -
they are committed - determined. They don't just own clubs, they have
the socks, the shoes, the outfit ... they have made it their goal to be

One of my old bosses was the pastor of a large church in Southampton,
PA. He loved golf. He played golf every Monday - rain, snow, sleet or
hail! In fact, when his wife went home to be with the Lord we were
afraid that he would have to arrange the service around his Monday golf
game! He had weather gear for any kind of weather. He was determined to
play no matter what - nothing interfered with his golf game.

The Apostle Paul to my knowledge was not a golfer. But he was a man of
determination. I love what he wrote in Philippians 3:10, "For my
determined purpose is that I may know HIM [that I may progressively
become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and
recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly
and more clearly], and that I may in the same way come to know the power
outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and
that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in
spirit into His likeness even] to His death ..." (from the Amplified

We are determined in life to do many things - but there is no greater
purpose for us that to KNOW HIM! May that be the determined purpose of
our lives today. When that happens - look out world - we will make a

Great quote: "Faith means you want God and want to want nothing else.
When God's love is taken for granted, we paint Him into a corner and rob
Him of the opportunity to love us in a new and surprising way, and faith
begins to shrivel and shrink. When I become so spiritually advanced that
Abba is old hat, then the Father has been had, Jesus has been tamed, the
Spirit has been corralled and the...fire has been extinguished...To be
Christian, faith has to be new, that is alive and growing. It cannot be
static, finished, settled...when I conclude that I can now cope with the
awful love of God I have headed for the shallows to avoid the deeps."
Brennan Manning, The Ragamuffin Gospel

Guys - here is an opportunity to encourage your wives. Sign her up for
our new event, ReviveHer Night this Thursday from 6:30 - 10:00 PM. She
will enjoy a night out at America's KESWICK with other women. $8.50
covers the activities and a special dessert buffet. Call today and make
her reservation: 732-350-1187. For more details, visit our website:

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