Saturday, October 28, 2006



From time to time guys ask me for questions that they can ask for
accountability purposes. This is a list of questions that I have shared
before with my Freedom Fighter guys, but here it is again. I trust it
will be helpful.

1. Where are you presently in your personal relationship with God?
2. What have you been reading in your daily devotions this week?
3. What has God been saying to you during those readings?
4. Are you making notes of what God has been saying to you?
5. Have you been consistent in your times of prayer?
6. Which areas of your relationship with God do you experience
resistance? Are there any unresolved issues in your life?
7. What are the general and specific things that you are praying about?
8. What habits are you struggling with as a Christian at time in your
walk with God?
9. How are you going with regards to your spouse and children?
10. What general reading are you doing these days?
11. If Satan where to try to invalidate you as a person or as a servant,
how might he do it?
12. What is the state of your sexual perspective? Are you tempted, are
you struggling with fantasies? Are you entertaining evil thoughts?
13. Where are you financially right now? Are things under control?
14. Do you have someone to whom you are accountable, and do you meet on
a weekly or monthly basis with that person?
15. Have you spent time with a non- Christian this last month?
16. Do you have a prayer list where you pray for non- Christians?
17. What kind of challenges are you facing right now?
18. What is your greatest desire at this point?
19. What are the three things that you are most thankful for?
20. What areas of your life is the Holy Spirit working in?
21. Of the 20 questions you just answered, have you lied to us?
Adapted from a list of probing questions from my good friend and brother
in Christ, Dr. Gerard DuToit.

Great quote: When you become consumed by God's call on your life,
everything will take on new meaning and significance. You will begin to
see every facet of your life - including your pain - as a means through
which God can work to bring others to Himself. Charles Stanley

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