Sunday, August 13, 2006



"Now therefore, GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN of which the Lord spoke in that day; for you heard in that day how the Anakim were there, and that the cities were great and fortified. It may be that the Lord will be with me, and I shall be able to drive them out as the Lord said." Joshua 14:12

There are time when we face what seem to be insurmountable obstacles in our lives. It is during these times that we rely on God to give us the courage to face those obstacles and trust Him to see us through.

Several years ago, God renewed our vision to begin a residential program for women similar to what we have been doing for men for the past 108 years. We have been taking baby steps to move forward, and Lord willing, in the next few weeks, we will be standing in front of the mountain as we submit a proposal to two major players to seek approvals to move forward.

Humanly speaking, it is a bit intimidating standing at the foot of the mountain. But with God all things are possible. Dr. Henry Blackaby in says this about asking for mountains: "Caleb's faith in God never wavered, though everyone around him doubted. God convinced Caleb that the children of Israel should enter the Promised Land, but the people were intimidated by GIANTS and FORTIFIED CITIES (Numbers 13:28-22). Their disbelief forced Caleb to wait forty years in the wilderness before he finally entered the Promised Land. Even after all those years, Caleb was as confident as ever in GOD'S POWER!

When God was dividing the land among the Israelites, the people were asking for the lush valleys and grassy plains. Caleb asked for a mountain. The Israelites had driven their enemies into the mountains, where they had built fortresses. This did not intimidate Caleb -- he asked for a challenge! He did not trust in his own strength but in God's presence. Caleb longed to see God work power, and he knew he would be less likely to rely on God if he would have to trust God. Caleb KNEW his inheritance from was on a mountain. He refused to allow the difficulty of gaining it to stop him from enjoying all that God had promised him.

If you always choose the easy way, asking for the peaceful valleys, you will never see God's power displayed to enable you to take a mountain. Seek out the mountains, and you will witness God doing things through your life that can be explained only by HIS mighty presence." from EXPERIENCING GOD DAY BY DAY.

I needed that encouragement today. Trust it will encourage you too!

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