Friday, August 18, 2006



I just read an article in the USA Today about a new book entitled VITAL FRIENDS ... THE PEOPLE YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO LIVE WITHOUT. Men are not usually good with the friendship thing. Many of us have "acquaintances" but few have allowed themselves to get close and personal with someone who they can call "friend."

In the book, the author lists 8 characteristics of a friend that I thought were worth sharing with you this morning. They are good things for you to consider if you are looking for a friend or if you are someone's friend.

A vital friend is a:

1. Builder -- one who motivates you in your life.
2. Champion -- one who sings your praises.
3. Collaborator -- one who shares his passions and dreams.
4. Connector -- one who always widens your circle.
5. Companion -- one who is always there for you.
6. Energizer -- one who gives you a boost and makes you laugh.
7. Mind-Opener -- one who helps you to expand your horizons and embrace new ideas.
8. Navigator -- one who helps you to make decisions.

As you think about your role as a friend today, which one of these characteristics describe you? Good thoughts to ponder for today. Your friendship CAN make a difference in someone's life.

Have a great day.

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