Monday, August 21, 2006



Yesterday in church, my mentor and friend, Dr. Robert Alderman shared a powerful message from Exodus 3 entitled TEN THINGS ABOUT CLAIMING HOLY GROUND from the life of Moses. I want to share these ten principles with you with the prayer that you will dig deeper on your own:

1. Claiming holy ground is not vocationally dependent. (Exodus 3:1) Moses was tending sheep

2. Claiming holy ground is enhanced by our separation from the distractions of life. What steals my attention from pursuing God? Are you willing for a backside of the desert experience? (Exodus 3:1)

3. Claiming holy ground is dependent on our willingness to come just as we are to where God is. (Exodus 3:1) Moses didn't get cleaned up before going to the mountain to meet God. He came just as we was.

4. Claiming holy ground is dependent on our willingness to come just as we are to where God is and where there is likely to be no one else but GOD! Nothing but God. (Exodus 3:1)

5. Claiming holy ground is based on our willingness to be approached by a messenger of God, which includes fire: to bring about purity, to make useable what is unusable, and to destroy that which is not useful. (Exodus 3:2)

6. Claiming holy ground is based on our willingness to approach God even where there are unexplainable and uncertain factors. (Exodus 3:3)

7. Claiming holy ground is based on our willingness to go one on one with God. (Exodus 3:4)

8. Claiming holy ground is based on our willingness to accept the limitations of God. (Exodus 3:5) God draws the lines! This principle is worth looking at. Even in our Christian circles we are uncomfortable with and forget that GOD does draw the lines in terms of what HE expects from us. (Exodus 3:5)

9. Claiming holy ground is based on our willingness to honor with my actions the holiness of God. (Exodus 3:5)

10. Claiming holy ground is base on our willingness to affirm my encounter with the God of history. (Exodus 3:6)

Good principles for your consideration. Take the text and principles and dig deeper.

This week on KESWICK TODAY, Diane Hunt, our Director of Addiction Recovery Ministries for Women, shares our vision for reaching women in addiction as we seek God's timing for our residential program for women. You can listen to KESWICK TODAY right from our website:

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