Saturday, August 05, 2006



From the Prayers of the Puritans ... a prayer to prepare your heart for the Lord's Day.

O God,
Though I am allowed to approach you
I am not unmindful of my sins,
I do not deny my guilt,
I confess my wickedness, and earnestly plead forgiveness.

May I with Moses choose affliction rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin.
Help me to place myself always under your guiding and guardian care,
To take firmer hold of the sure covenant that binds me to you,
To feel more of the purifying, dignifying, softening influence of the religion I profess,
To have more compassion, love, pity, courtesy, to deem it an honor to be employed by you
As an instrument in your hands,
Ready to seize every opportunity of usefulness,
And willing to offer all my talents to your service.

You have done for me all things well,
Have remembered, distinguished, indulged me.
All my desires have not been gratified, but your love denied them to me
When fulfillment of my wishes would have proved my ruin or injury.
My trials have been fewer than my sins,
And when I have kissed the rod it has fallen from your hands.
You have often wiped away my tears,
Restored peace to my mourning heart,
Chastened me for my profit
All your work for me is perfect, and I praise you.

Good prayer to prepare your heart for worship!

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