Thursday, July 06, 2006



"All Christians have their secret sins. Psalm 19:12: 'Who can understand
his errors? Cleanse thou me from secret faults." O friends! Who can
reckon up the secret imaginations, the secret inclinations, or the
secret pride, the secret blasphemies, the secret hypocrites, the secret
murmurings, the secret filthiness, the secret discontentment's, the
secret unbelievings that God might every day charge upon his soul!
Should the best and holiest man on earth have but his secret sins every
day written on his forehead, it would not only make him blush, but it
would make him pull his hat over his eyes, or cover his face with a
double scarf.

Sin is the greatest plague in the world, but never more dangerous when
it reaches the heart. Secret sins commonly lie nearest the hear, the
fount from where that take a quick, immediate, and continual supply . .
. And as every secret sin lies nearest the heart, so every secret sin is
the PLAGUE of the heart.

And as all Christians have their secret sins, so all Christians have
their secret temptations. And as they have their secret temptations, so
they have their secret needs; yea often they have such particular and
personal needs that there is not one in the congregation, nor one in the
family, that has the same. And as they have their secret needs, so they
have their secret fears, and secret snares, and secret trials, and
secret troubles, and secret doubts, and secret jealousies! And how do
all these things call aloud upon every Christian to be frequent and
constant in secret prayer!" -- The Secret Key to Heaven by Puritan
Thomas Brooks

Is there a secret sin in your life? Confess it to the Lord and live in
freedom! Taking care of secret sin will have a profound impact upon your
prayer life.

Good words for your consideration.

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