Saturday, July 01, 2006



Two things I request of You (deprive me not before I die): Remove falsehood and lies from me; give me neither poverty no riches-feed me with the food allotted to me; lest I be full and deny you, and say, "Who is the Lord?" Or lest I be poor and steal, and profane the name of my God. Proverbs 30:7-9

These three verses stand alone in chapter 30. They don't connect with anything before or after them. The Wisdom Writer puts them here, and they hit readers like a lightening bolt. As I've said often during the month, Freedom Fighters need this instruction. It helps us discover at least one key to the door of true freedom.

If I understand addictions correctly, they are often a pursuit of the unattainable. There's something more we want, and we keep going farther down the road in pursuit of something. Then we discover that the pursuit has taken over; we're addicted but never satisfied. We always want more, no matter the cost.

These lines tell us how to avoid the "pursuit of more" trap. Let me give you the key in one word: MODERATION. The Wisdom Writer asks God for enough. He doesn't want too much for fear he'll become self-sufficient. He doesn't want too little for fear that he'll bring reproach on God in his pursuit of enough. "God, just give me what I need. Please give me enough." That's his prayer.

This pursuit of moderation mitigates Satan's lie that we always need-that we have a right to-a little more. Every addiction ultimately tells us that we need more of something than we have. So, we eat more, drink more, buy the bigger cable package for more entertainment. Enough is never enough. That's what Satan will have us believe. It's a lie!

God's wisdom-the ability to live life skillfully-at work in our lives will help us discover healthy moderation. We'll know when enough has arrived, and we'll find satisfaction in it. We'll discover freedom from the "pursuit of more."

We also need to see the writer's motivation in his prayer. He doesn't want to deny God or profane God's name. He's not focused on himself. God's reputation is more important. He wants to make God look good! He chooses moderation over too much or too little just to protect his relationship with God.

Freedom Fighters will do well to pray the Wisdom Writer's moderation prayer. Don't forget: Moderation protects our lives and God's reputation. (Pastor John Strain -- First Baptist of Toms River)

TOMORROW: LARRY FORD IN CONCERT at America's KESWICK 3:00 PM. Come meet one of Southern Gospel's finest tenors.

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