Saturday, July 08, 2006



We talk about it. We sing about it. But do we really comprehend it? The word is used 150 times in the New Testament so it must be important. Here are ten amazing realities of grace that Richard Blackaby, shares in his new book, PUTTING A FACE ON GRACE ... LIVING A LIFE WORTH PASSING ON:

1. Grace is a gift of kindness given to someone who does not deserve it.
2. Grace is not reciprocal. It goes one way.
3. Grace is costly. Someone has to pay for grace.
4. Grace looks at what people CAN become and seeks to help them reach their potential. Grace does not condemn those who have not yet arrived.
5. Grace focuses on SOLUTIONS, not problems.
6. Grace leads to action.
7. Grace is what motivates God to relate to us moment by moment with perfect love. God looks at us through eyes of grace. If He didn't, we wouldn't have no hope.
8. Grace is the lubricant that eases friction in any relationship.
9. Grace expects the best but offers freedom to fail.
10. Grace celebrates success and does not keep score of wrong things.

The songwriter expressed it this way:

Wonderful grace of Jesus,
Greater than all my sin;
How shall my tongue describe it,
Where shall its praise begin?
Taking away my burden,
Setting my spirit free,
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.

Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus,
Deeper than the mighty rolling sea;
Higher than the mountain, sparkling like a fountain,
All sufficient grace for even me!
Broader than the scope of my transgressions,
Greater far than ALL my sin and shame!
O magnify the precious name of Jesus,

Good truth to ponder throughout today as we prepare our hearts to gather with the body of Christ to worship corporately on the Lord's day.

Sunday afternoon concert: Composer, arranger, organist, pianist, Harold DeCou, in concert, Sunday afternoon, July 9th at America's KESWICK. 3:00 PM

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