Friday, July 14, 2006



I do a lot of reading throughout the year and a good portion of the books I read are written on leadership. As a leader of a major Christian ministry, I want to hone my skills and be the most effective leader than God wants me to be.

One of the things that has struck me the past few days is how many books are written with themes that supposedly are new revelations. Concepts and principles are put in writing and the next thing you know -- you have a best seller. The more I study leadership, the more I realize that what the "gurus" are telling us come right from the Scriptures . . . They just don't know it or haven't quite figured out that God has the market on leadership principles.

Recently I read Ken Blanchard's book, HIGH FIVE TEAMS. One of the principles of the book is to catch your staff doing something right. People tend to repeat behaviors that are rewarded positively. He encourages us to take the time to watch and observe the people we work with, can reward them with praise when we catch them doing something right. Positive reinforcement will produce men and women who will continue to do the right things.

I challenged my staff to do this and we are giving a $10 cash gift to the person who is caught doing something right during the month of July. My hope is that rather than people looking for blunders and mistakes, we will create an atmosphere of encouragement that will result in greater team unity and a greater understanding of why we do what we do.

The writer to the book of Hebrews said: "Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works." (Hebrews 10:24). Ken Blanchard thought he discovered a new principle! It's been in the Bible for a long time. The context of this verse is in relation to the church ... and wouldn't it be great if we put that into practice. Think about how the church would grow if we took up the challenge. But we can also apply that in the world where we work as well as in our families.

How can you this weekend stir up love and good works in the lives of your spouse and kids? How can you do that in your church? Rather than looking for something someone did that was wrong -- how about "CATCHING 'EM DOING SOMETHING RIGHT!"

Let me know how it goes!

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