Sunday, June 18, 2006


Happy Father's Day. I am currently in Minnesota enjoying our grandson Tanner and our brand new granddaughter, Lindsay Alice, who was born on Wednesday. My good friend and my Pastor, John Strain, has been blessing our hearts by sharing some fresh thoughts from the book of Proverbs.

On Friday was bonding with Lindsay and caught a segment on Good Morning America on the value of a father from the perspective of what a he's worth around the house. Our society has de-valued the American male, picturing him as lazy, stupid, and inferior to women. I found it interesting that this feature showed that more and more Dad's are taking on more responsibility in the home. Not only are they doing their "normal" chores, they are helping with the cooking, cleaning and a number of other tasks at home.

"The survey found the average American dad who worked full time typically spent 39.6 hours a week doing work around the house," reported Good Morning America. The survey goes on to report that "according to a survey conducted exclusively for "Good Morning America," dads would earn $71,160.45 a year if paid in real wages."
The Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:2 commanded us to do what God commanded the children of Israel: "Honor you father . . . " The Amplified Bible says: "esteem and value as precious your father . . . " Note that it doesn't place any conditions on honoring Dad. It isn't about "if Dad does this ... I will honor him." Dad's are imperfect. They make mistakes. Sometimes big mistakes. But if they are following God, they are doing their best for their kids. By the way, this command which was given to Moses was one of the original ten -- it wasn't a suggestion up for debate.
Now that I am a grandfather, I am looking at fatherhood through a different set of lenses as I am watching my kids as adults. My son, Josh, is soon to become a Dad and will look at parenting quite differently. He is going to make a great Dad because of the way that I have seen him treat his wife. Howard Hendricks said that the best thing a man can do for his son is to love his mother. Josh treats Jenny with love and respect. I am very proud of him.
I know how that the responsibility of honoring my son and two son-in-laws, Garrett and Jon, as they take up the mantle of fathering my grandkids. It is a privilege to honor them and esteem them as precious. I want to transfer that truth to my grandkids too, teaching them how important it is to love, respect and honor their Dads.
When we arrived in Minnesota, Tanner was trying to call me "Grandpa" but the other day out of the clear blue, he called me "Pop Pop." I have to admit that when he first said those words, a HUGE knot formed in my throat and my eyes filled with tears. That's what my kids called my Dad. What an honor to be called "Pop Pop." I have huge shoes to fill.
And you know what guys, if you have a Dad that is still on this side of heaven, don't miss the opportunity to call him today and honor him. My Dad has been in heaven for 20 years this year and I still miss him as if it was yesterday. Dad, I love you and miss you so much.
Have a great Father's Day.

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