Tuesday, June 20, 2006



Wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise. Proverbs 20:1

Initially, I thought this verse was too obvious to use for today's Freedom Fighter. I had an inclination to go a different direction, but after reflection decided this was the place for all of us today.

Depending upon the life-dominating sin that attacks your life, you may think this verse doesn't apply to you. Do me a favor. Drop in pornography, drugs, food, money or any other sin that dominates your life in this verse and then apply it to your life.

We've talked already this month about Satan's treacherous and deceptive tricks. The nature of our struggle for freedom doesn't matter. This verse addresses the reality of consequences when we allow sin to dominate our lives. Our thinking goes like this. "One drink will help us." "One look at that picture will make us feel better." "Buying that newest and best toy will ease the pain I feel." Lies! That thinking has it roots in the lies that Satan so ably sells us. It's all a lie, and it will ultimately lead us astray.

If we choose to listen to the lie, God's Word labels us as those not wise. We become those who wander from the safe way marked by truth and wisdom. Most of us who read this email every day have known some of that wandering, and we know the damage that comes when we lose our way.

All of this pushes me to remind you why Proverbs is so important. God gives us these thirty-one chapters to help us "live life skillfully." It will help us embrace truth and wisdom and reject lies and foolishness. Every Freedom Fighter needs that help! The help is yours if you'll allow the Wisdom Writers to become your friends. Read one chapter each day of the month and do it month after month. Ask God's Spirit to bring wisdom home to your heart and mind. Allow Him to apply that wisdom to your life month after month.

Those life-dominating sins, based on lies from hell, will put us in the ditch. Truth and wisdom will protect us from the sins, from the lies and from the ditch. Pursue wisdom from the Wisdom Writers today.

Don't forget: Truth will keep you safe. Lies will drive you to the ditch! (Pastor John Strain -- First Baptist of Toms River)

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