Tuesday, June 06, 2006



"For the commandment is a lamp, and the law a light. . . ." Proverbs 6:23

Constant reminder may be the best benefit of reading Proverbs every month. The writers remind us of things best avoided and of things best remembered. Much of chapter six reminds us of things from which we ought to run. Right in the middle of, however, Solomon makes sure we remember how to stay on track.

He tells us that the commandment (God's Word) is a lamp. The law (God's Word) is a light. This Word of God has the power to light our way. Think about driving down a dark road at night without lights on your car. If you choose to drive through life without God's Word, you almost certainly will wind up in some ditch!

The psalmist said it this way: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (119:105) If we choose to fight for freedom from bondage, we better choose the right weapons for the fight. The commandment and the law help us see what lurks in the darkness that can do us damage. Without the light of God's Word, we're just asking for trouble.

The question is simple. Do you make time for the Scriptures? This commandment . . . this law . . . this light protects us from Satan and his devices. It's like a flashlight without batteries, though, if we don't allow it to saturate our lives. That saturation can't happen without disciplined time in God's Word regularly.

Again, the psalmist helps us see the importance of this Book. Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. (119:11) We're just a week away from Memorial day, a day set aside to honor those who have died to defend our country. The day reminds us that freedom is never free; it always has a cost.

If you choose to pursue freedom from life-dominating sins, be prepared to pay the cost. Freedom demands disciplined time with the commandment that is a lamp and the law that is light. You and I will never know freedom without them!

Don't forget: If you live in the dark without the light, you will wind up in the ditch! (Pastor John Strain -- First Baptist of Toms River)

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