Friday, May 26, 2006



The following was given to me by one of my staff members. It was written by Mary Eldridge.

Sin will take you farther
than you want to go.
You will soon find out
that it becomes a foe.

The deeper you fall
into that old stuff,
Satan will laugh,
and call your bluff.

He'll get you so busy,
listening to him,
he won't be happy,
till you're on a limb.

Once you get there,
he laughs with glee,
he says, now boy,
it's just you and me,

He has stuff to offer,
he knows you're blind,
while he has you,
he'll play with your mind.

It's movies, porn, booze,
and pretty prostitute girls,
there's wining, and dining,
while your head swirls.

Can't you just see,
what sin does to you,
If you weren't so blind,
you'd know what to do,

You took Satan's bait,
You've fallen so low,
You're drowning in sin,
grief sorrow and woe.

There's hope for you,
you don't understand,
I know of someone
who'll take your hand.

He loves you no matter
what you have done,
And because of this,
God gave us His Son.

He surely can help you,
and set your soul free
The reason I know this
Cause He did it for me.

If you mean business,
and I sure hope you do,
Give everything to Jesus,
He gave His all for you.

Good words for you to consider today. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend. Coming in June, Pastor John Strain, Senior Pastor from First Baptist of Toms River, will be sharing with us some thoughts from the book of Proverbs.

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