Sunday, May 28, 2006



"IN all these things we are more than conquerors though him who loved us." Romans 8:37

"Our Lord in the seven letters to the churches of Revelation (read Revelation 2 -3) concludes with a promise to each for those who OVERCOME. The phrase, 'he that overcomes" is repeated seven times; and with it some glorious promises are given. They were given to churches like Ephesus that had forsaken their first love, to Sardis, that had a reputation of being alive, but was dead, and to Laodicea with her lukewarmness and self-satisfaction -- as proof that if they would only repent, they might win the crown of victory. The call comes to every Christian to strive for the crown.

How do we attain victory? The answer is simple. ALL IS IN CHRIST! It all depends on our right relationship to Christ, our complete surrender, perfect faith, and unbroken fellowship with Him. Just as we had no rest until we knew He had received our conversion, so now we feel the need of coming to Him to receive from Him the assurance that He has undertaken to keep us by the power of His resurrection life.

Christ, the Victor, is your Lord, who will undertake for you in every thing and will enable you to do all the Father expects of you. Be of good courage. Trust Him to do this great work for you, who has so freely given His life for you and forgiven you of your sins. Only be bold to surrender yourself to a life kept from sin by the power of God. Along with the deepest conviction that in you dwells no good thing, confess that you see in the Lord Jesus all the goodness you will ever need for the life of a child of God.

Thank God, a live of victory is CERTAIN for those who are aware of their inward ruin and are hopeless in themselves but who have place their confidence in Jesus. They, by faith in His power to make the act of surrender possible for them, have done it in HIS strength and now rely on Him, and Him alone every day and every hour."

From the pen of Andrew Murray -- LIVING A PRAYERFUL LIFE

THOUGHT: The deeper we are willing to enter into the death of self, the more shall we know of the mighty power of God, and the perfect blessedness of a perfect trust.
Andrew Murray

Today is the Lord's day! Thank Him today that through CHRIST -- you are MORE THAN a conqueror.

This week on Keswick Today, Bible teacher and conference speaker, David Rich, shares 7 SECRETS YOU WON'T HEAR IN CHURCH. Don't miss the broadcast. You can listen right from the Keswick website:

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