Friday, May 12, 2006



I was blest as a teenager to get to hear one of America's great preachers, Vance Havner, now with the Lord. Recently I was given a copy of a devotional thoughts, long out of print. Here is one of my favorites . . .

"Most of us report somewhere or other to headquarters. The soldier reports to his commanding officer. The clerk reports to the boss. The teacher reports to the principal. In the shop, in the store, in business and profession, we show up now and then at headquarters.

For a good many years I have been reporting to headquarters. But I go to no office building, I get in touch with no man. I can take my hat off while walking in the woods, or wake up in the middle of the night anywhere and report to the top command. For I was called and commissioned to preach the Gospel. Heaven is headquarters, and I do not have to wait in an anteroom nor take my place in a line or get by a secretary. There is a rent veil, and I can come boldly to the throne of grace. Anytime, anywhere, I can reach the Manager.

How good it is when puzzling problems arise, when difficult decisions must be made, to stroll into the woods and talk things over! Or if emergencies suddenly develop and quick action must be taken, I do not have to phone -- heaven is nearer than the next town.. There is glorious liberty in it, for, so long as I am on good terms with Headquarters, I need not worry about my popularity down here.

But while having one's headquarters in heaven gives blessed liberty, it also involves much responsibility. To our own Master we stand or fall, but there is law in liberty. We must give an account to Him for our stewardship, and it is required of stewards that a man be found faithful. Our Lord does not merely suggest it, He requires it. There is law in the New Testament as well as in the Old. We do not run loose under grace. But it is the law of Christ, the law of life and love. 'The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.'

So I shall continue to report to Headquarters here. And eventually I shall report up there. But I shall not turn in my credentials to retire. I shall be recommissioned for work in a new sphere. It is said concerning the Heavenly City, 'And His servants shall serve HIM.' That is why I need to keep in touch with Headquarters here:

Take time to be holy, be calm in your soul;
Each thought and each motive beneath His control;
Thus led by His Spirit to fountains of love,
You soon shall be fitted for service above."

When was the last time YOU reported to Headquarters? He is waiting to hear from YOU today!

Devotional thought from REST FOR THE WEARY by Vance Havner published by Revell

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