Friday, May 19, 2006



"My soul followeth hard after you, your right hand upholds me." -- Psalm 63:8

"We cannot escape the dangers of this world without the continual and constant help of God. We experience many trials and difficult situations daily. When our problems overwhelm us -- when family, money, health, and work issues seem like they are going to crush us, this is when we must cling to God and put our trust in Him. God knows we cannot overcome these problems on our own. As Christians, God expects certain resolutions on our part. To depend wholly on Him and not on human beings or the material world is one of them.

No matter how strong we think out life in THE LORD is, He is the only one who can deliver us from evil. The trials God sends us are meant to make us, not break us. God demands us to look to Him for help in times of trouble. He removes all possible means of escape, save Him. He will teach us to lean on Him when we are at our weakest, if we let Him.

As Christians, we need to form a holy habit of appropriating Christ for our every need at every turn. In ourselves we are nothing; in Jesus we are everything. "Apart from Me, you can do nothing." (John 15:5d) Our Lord does not say, apart from me things will be difficult, or apart from me you stand a 50% chance of succeeding. He tells us we can do NOTHING. In order to live a victorious Christian life, we must have the all-sufficient hand of God upon us. Everything else in life pales in comparison. Everyday is a new opportunity for our soul to seek out and find HIM! This must be in our constant thoughts of God. If we do not know this, we must learn it. Today is the day to proclaim: JESUS CHRIST IS ALL MY LIFE -- THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ALL MY POWER."

I am a creature of God, and He has an undoubted right
To do with me as seems good in His sight,
I rejoice that I am in His hand -- that He is everywhere
Present and can protect me in one place as well as in another. -- A. H. Judson

Today's FREEDOM FIGHTER was written by one of our recent Colony grads, Chris Conners, who is now in our Discipleship program. Chris trusted Christ during his 120-day stay at the Colony of Mercy and has had no "church" background. It is a great reminded of how Christ works in a life -- transforming us from glory to glory!

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