Wednesday, May 17, 2006



Here are some additional thoughts on the verse I shared with you yesterday from Proverbs 16:3 -- "Roll your works on the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed."

One of the problems in our society is that we are way too busy. Sometimes our busyness keeps us from staying connected to the right SOURCE. Instead we are connected to sources that drain us and cause the T.I.R.E.D. Syndrome vs. living a life of resting and trusting the way God has designed us to live.

John Gordon in his book THE 10-MINUTE ENERGY SOLUTION says that the T.I.R.E.D. Syndrome "is a condition in which you feel worse and worse the more you use your computer, your cell phone, and the multitude of electronic gadgets that are supposed to make your life easier. Symptoms include feelings of increased stress, fatigue, depression, anxiety, isolation, and sleep deprivation. T.I. R. E. D. stands for TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION RELATED ENERGY DEPLETION."

Gordon goes on to say that "it seems every facet of our life is being replaced by electronic substitutes. Instead of exercising we're searching, responding to emails, playing on-line games, and watching TV. About 60 percent of adults don't get enough physical activity, and 25 percent don't get any at all. Our physical activity is declining -- and the average American spent about 1,669 hours (or 70 days) watching TV in 2004, according to USA TODAY. And instead of getting together with family and friends, we are spending more time on our cell phones and online. Studies now show that the average American spends 619 minutes a month on the cell phone and 3 hours a day on-line.

Our lives are always on and connected. Whether it's by phone line, cable modem, cell phone, or PDA, we are always connected to technology information. We're always plugged in, and instead of drawing power we are expending it, giving it away, or having it sucked from us -- costing us our health and our energy."

But Gordon hasn't touched on the major issue. We are so connected to the wrong source because of our crazy lifestyles that we don't have time to spend with Him. We don't even think of "rolling our works on the Lord" because we have crowded HIM out of our lives. If we are too busy for HIM -- we are way too busy and need to make a major adjustment in our lives. When we spend time alone with Him, He replaces the stress and strain of life with HIS rest. That is when we are restored.

How about it . . . Are you too busy this morning to spend time with the Lord? Maybe you are way too connected to the wrong source. Why not give Him 10 minutes each day for the next week. Some of you will say, "Just 10?" Well my guess is that if you haven't given Him ANY time, ten minutes is a good start. Don't wait until tomorrow. Start today! God bless you.

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