Thursday, April 27, 2006



One of the greatest hindrances in all of our relationships is pride.
Gary and Betsy Ricucci call it -- "self-confident, self-exalting,
self-protecting pride. It is the most deceptive, pervasive and
multifaceted for form of sin, and it plays a central role in virtually
all sin."

Listen to their description of pride vs.. humility:

Pride loves to talk, reveling in every self-exalting form of
Pride is quite content with what it already knows.
Pride assumes I already understand everything I need to.
Pride assumes I don't need help.
Pride simply judges others by assuming they will respond negatively or
unhelpfully if I am open.
Pride uses conversation as broadcast time.
Pride denies what the gospel reveals about our seriously sinful
condition. (Proverbs 10:19; Galatians 5:17)

Humility yearns to learn, because it recognizes its deficiencies
(Proverbs 12:15).
Humility asks questions and loves dialogue.
Humility has never found someone it couldn't learn something from.
Humility assumes there is always more to learn about everything.
Humility assumes I need others.
Humility would rather be open and vulnerable than closed and
Humility uses conversations to explore new worlds.
Humility puts energy and effort into listening.
Humility treats a spouse as a fellow traveler on the road to biblical
Humility that leads to intimacy takes an interest in one's spouse as a
gift from God.
Humility believes what the gospel says about our desperate need for God
and his grace -- AFTER we're saved as well as before."

Good thoughts for your consideration from LOVE THAT LASTS . . . WHEN
MARRIAGE MEETS GRACE published by Crossway.

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