Sunday, April 16, 2006



"I know that my Redeemer lives, and that he shall stand at the latter
day on the earth." (Job 19:25)

"Job's life was filled with uncertainty and confusion. Although he did
not understand what God was doing, suddenly his declaration of truth
came like a light in the dark tunnel of his life. "I KNOW that my
Redeemer lives."

Many things happened that he couldn't understand. Doubts filled his
mind. Heartbreaking calamaties robbed him of his peace and joy. Yet his
solid confidence in God carried him through the turbulence of his life.
His assurance was a present reality. 'I KNOW that my Redeemer lives!' It
gave him hope for the future. 'He shall stand at the latter day on the
earth ... In my flesh I WILL see God.' (25-26)

We can have this same confidence today. Jesus said, 'Because I live, you
will live also.' (John 14:19) His crucifixion and burial left His
disciples seemingly without hope. But He came forth a LIVING Savior --
victor over death and the grave.

The angel said to the women who came to the tomb, 'Fear not; for I know
you seek Jesus which was crucified. He is not here: for He is risen, as
He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay' (Matthew 28:5-6). The
resurrection message dispels fear. It brings hope. He IS risen! He IS

Victory, joy, peace, and praise characterize our Christian faith because
Jesus came forth triumphant over death: 'I am Him that lives, and was
dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore' (Revelation 1:18).

At a rehearsal of Handel's oratorio, MESSIAH, the soprano soloist began
to sing the aria, "I Know that My Redeemer Liveth.' Her technique was
perfect, but something was lacking. The conductor asked, 'DO YOU REALLY

She looked surprised. 'Of course I believe it.' "Then sing as if you
believe it,' said the conductor. Again she sang of the resurrected
Redeemer, this time from her innermost being. All who listened were
moved to tears. When she finished, the auditorium was quiet. Finally the
conductor said, 'Yes, you do believe it.'

Jesus Christ is alive! Are you singing today from the depth of your
innermost being, 'I know that MY Redeemer lives?' Do people know you
believe it?" from HE IS REAL -- 365 Daily Devotions by Millie Stamm

Have a blessed Easter.

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