Sunday, April 02, 2006



Good morning! Hopefully you remembered to turn your clocks forward and
you are excited about the day before you. In just a few hours, many of
us will gather together with the body of Christ to worship, and many
will observe the Lord's Supper.

For some, the focus of the morning service has become more about what WE
will get out of the service instead of focusing on WHO we are
worshipping. We get caught up in the style of music not being MY style
or there were too many announcements. The temp was quite right and the
Pastor, well we love him, but he went way too long.

Remember my friend, the body of Christ gathers not to concentrate on YOU
but on the One who told Moses I AM! I have been listening to a powerful
message given by Pastor Louie Giglio from an INJOY LIFE CLUB CD
available through Dr. John C. Maxwell's ministry. Think about the I AM
who you are worshipping this morning . . .

You say, 'I need an new idea.' I AM.
Who could possibly be smart enough to figure this out? I AM.
I'm going under; somebody help me. I AM.
What works? I AM.
What's the latest thing? I AM.
What's the hippest thing? I AM.
Nothing's real anymore. I AM.
Leaders are bailing out. Who's going to last? I AM.
If we fail to get the job done, who's going to do it? I AM.
This generation deserves more. I AM.
I'm pouring into others. Who pouring into me? I AM.
I'm not sure who's on my team. I AM.
Nobody's listening to me. I AM.
I can't hold it together anymore. I AM.
Who can I trust? I AM.
I've got visions bigger than my resources. I AM.
I've given all I can but it's never enough. I AM.
Somebody just hold me. I AM.

I AM the way, I AM the truth, I AM the life. I AM yesterday, I AM the
same today, I AM the same forever. I AM the solution, I AM the
sustainer, I AM the restorer, I AM the life-giver. I AM the beginning, I
AM the end, I AM the first, I AM the last; I AM God, and there is NO ONE
BESIDES ME. I AM the Lord, and there is NO other. I AM that I AM; that
is My name; that is MY memorial name to every generation. I AM GOD . . .
And all I AM looking for is a little man who's thrilled to be I AM NOT,
because they know I AM!

That's who you are worshipping this morning, my fellow Freedom Fighter
partner -- you are worshipping the great I AM. Enjoy Him today.

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