Friday, March 24, 2006



"When our bodies find rest, we feel refreshed. When our emotions find
rest, our countenance is lifted. Yet relaxed muscles and minds are of
little worth unless our souls also find rest in the acceptance of God.
Such a rest transcends the problems of our world and shelters us where
no injury can follow. His rest is ultimately the only dependable rest.

Sabbath rest is a rest He calls us to, but surrendered rest is a rest He
offers to us. Sabbath rest we enter our of obedience; surrendered rest
we enter out of our own need. Sabbath rest arise from the good and
perfect law of God; surrendered rest arises from the good and perfect
grace of God. Sabbath rest is remembrance; surrendered rest is meekness.

'Come to ME, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you
rest,' offered Jesus. 'Take MY yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am
gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For
MY yoke is easy and my burden is light.' These are attractive words to
weary people everywhere. Yet, as usual, Jesus leaves us scratching our
heads: What does He mean, to take His yoke? Does that really sound so

The answer lies in meekness. In this passage Christ calls Himself meek.
He came not to judge but to die. He came not to shout and defend the
honor of the Father but to die. He came not to fight but to die. No
persecution could disturb Him, for He came to suffer. Yet all the time
He as suffering, He knew He was winning. We, too, can suffer and win. We
can live with love even when others hate -- all the time knowing that
Love wins. We can respond with grace when other surrender, knowing Grace
wins. When we come to Him and surrender, accepting HIS yoke, we accept
full vulnerability to the onslaught of the world. Yet at the same time
we are assured that NOTHING can separate us from the love of Christ.
This rest is a self-weakening unto God-strength. It is a self-emptying
unto God-fullness. It is the rest of surrender.

Even when I FEEL inferior, even when I have been victimized, even when
the pace and pressures of life bring me to the point of collapse, Christ
brings me to HIS rest. When my surrender is completed and HIS yoke is
accepted, then my soul will find rest." from the pen of Dr. Richard
Swenson in his daily devotional A MINUTE OF MARGIN ... RESTORING BALANCE

Thot: Jesus calls us to His rest, and meekness is HIS method. The meek
man cares not at all who is greater than he, for he has long ago decided
the esteem of the world is not worth the effort." -- A. W. Tozer

Good words to ponder as we end this week and enter into the weekend. Has
Freedom Fighters been an encouragement to you? We'd love to hear from
you, and even better, encourage a friend to sign up. Visit our website
for up-to-date information about the ministries of America's KESWICK --

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