Saturday, March 11, 2006



Today is our FREEDOM FIGHTER day at America's KESWICK and we are praying
that there will be many men that will be SET FREE to live victoriously.
As I was waking this morning, the words to a powerful song that the
Brooklyn Choir sings came to my mind. In fact, we are going to be using
this as the signature song for our KESWICK TODAY radio program. I
encourage you to read the lyrics and allow them to bless your heart this

This Is How It Feels To Be Free

Performed by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Words and Music by Shawn Craig, Dave Clark & Don Koch

There's a wall that has been standing since the day that Adam fell
Sin is where it started, sin is why it held
Speaking as a prisoner who was there and lived to tell
I remember how it felt
I could hear the sound of freedom like a distant voice it called
And beckoned me to follow where I had never gone
Though myheart was willing, I just stood there at the wall
Praying somehow it would fall
But in a cross I found a doorway and a hand that held the key
When the chains fell at my feet, for the first time I could see

This is how it feels to be free
This is what it means to know that I am forgiven
This is how it feels to be free
To see that life can be more than I imagined
This is how it feels to be free, this is how it feels to be free

There are days when I'm reminded of the prison I was in
Like a living nightmare burning from within
I can feel the voice of evil, I can hear the call of sin
But I won't go back again
Once I tasted freedom then the walls could bing no more
Since mercy gave me wings to fly, like an eagle I can soar

Somewhere there's a prison where the chains still bind
There but for the grace of God those walls could still be mine
So for all the captives I say

My friend, if you are struggling, PLEASE allow Christ to transform your

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