Monday, March 13, 2006



My good friend, Mark Fisher, shared this at our Freedom Fighter day on
Saturday, and I thought it was worth sharing with you this morning . . .
Next time you THINK you have an excuse as to why God CANNOT use you,
think of these:

Noah got drunk
Abraham was too old
Sarah had stopped ovulating
Isaac was a daydreamer
Leah was ugly
Judah committed incest
Joseph was abused
Moses murdered (so did David and Paul)
Moses stuttered, tended sheep and died too you
Deborah was a woman
Gideon was afraid
Samson had long hair
Hosea's wife was a prostitute
Rahab WAS a prostitute
David was too you (so were Jeremiah and Timothy)
David had a nervous breakdown and an affair
Elijah was suicidal
Jeremiah was depressive
Isaiah had to preach in the mud
Daniel was torched
Jonah ran away
Naomi was a widow
Job was attacked by Satan
John the Baptist ate bugs
Peter had a temper
John was self-righteous
The disciples fell asleep
Matthew was a thief
Simon was fanatical
Nathaniel was cynical
Martha was a worry wart
Mary was lazy
Mary Magdalene was demon-possessed
The little boy only had five loaves and 2 fish
The Samaritan woman had been sleeping around
Zaccheus was too short
Paul was a prisoner and a poor speaker
Philip disappeared
Mark quit
Timothy had ulcers
And Lazarus . . . was dead.

Now what's your excuse? God does not use us because of WHO we are, but
in spite of who we are ... Good words for today.

A number of our Freedom Fighter family are graduates of the Colony of
Mercy. I wanted to let you know that Nell "MOM" Morrison went home to
glory yesterday afternoon. Tentatively, the plan is to have a Memorial
Service on Wednesday at 11:00 AM at the Colony Chapel. Check the website
later today for details.

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