Tuesday, March 28, 2006



"As soon as the priests who carry the ark of the Lord -- the Lord of all
the earth -- set foot IN THE JORDAN, its waters flowing downstream will
be cut off and stand up in a heap." Joshua 3:13

Sometimes when God calls us to join Him in something exciting, it
requires I bold step of faith to step out into the deep with Him. In
this amazing account in the life of Joshua, the children of Israel were
instructed by God to cross the river. Their parents had done this once
before and God had demonstrated His power and glory -- but where they
willing to trust God and His promises to do it again? God was about to
once again demonstrate HIS faithfulness and power, but they had to first
take the step of faith and put their feet in the water.

Listen to the words from today's reading from STREAMS IN THE DESERT . .
. "Who can help but admire those brave Levites! They carried the ark of
the covenant right into the water, for the water was not divided UNTIL
THEIR FEET TOUCHED THE WATER'S EDGE (vs. 15). God had promised nothing

God honors faith -- stubborn faith -- that sees HIS PROMISE and looks to
that alone. We can only imagine how bystanders today, watching these
holy men of God march on, would say, 'You will never catch me running
that risk! The ark will be swept away!' We must not overlook the fact
that faith on our part helps God to carry out His plans. Be willing to
come to the help of the Lord.

The ark of the covenant was equipped with poles so the priests could
raise it to their shoulders. So even the ark of God did not move by
itself but was carried. When God is the architect, men are the
bricklayers and laborers. Faith assists God. it can shut the mouths of
lions and quench the most destructive fire. Faith still honors God, and
God honors faith.

Oh, for the kind of faith that will move ahead, leaving God to fulfill
His promises when He sees fit! Fellow Levites, let us shoulder our load,
without looking as though we were carrying God's coffin. It is the ark
of the living God! Sing as you march toward the flood!

One of the distinguishing marks of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament
church was the spirit of BOLDNESS. One of the great essentials of the
kind of faith that will attempt great things FOR God and expect great
things FROM God is holy boldness and daring. When dealing with a
supernatural Being and taking things from Him that are HUMANLY
impossible, it is actually easier for us to take a lot than it is to
take a little. And it is easier to stand in a place of bold trust than
in a place where we cautiously and timidly cling to the shore.

Like wise sailors living a life of faith, let us launch out our ships
into the deep. We will find that ALL THINGS are 'possible with God'
(Luke 18:27), and 'everything is possible for him who believes.' (Mark
9:23). Today let us attempt great things for God, taking His faith to
believe great things and taking HIS strength to accomplish them!"

Are you willing to be bold today in your faith? I'd love to know how God
is working out this truth in your life. Let me hear from you today.

Missed our Freedom Fighter Day? I would be happy to send you FREE -- the
three messages that Mark P. Fisher shared on living in sexual freedom.
Respond to this email with your address.

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