Wednesday, February 22, 2006



"If you can"? . . . EVERYTHING is possible for him who believes." -- See
Mark 9:23

I wrote about this yesterday and shared devotional thoughts from STREAMS IN
THE DESERT. In reading today's devotional from the same book, I read these
powerful words: "You just have to believe that He's done it and it's done!
The greatest problem with most of us is, after asking Him to do it, we do
not believe it is done. Instead we keep trying to help Him, get others to
help Him, and anxiously wait to see how HE's going to work it out.

Faith adds God's 'Amen' to God's 'Yes' and then takes its hands off, leaving
God to finish the work. The language of faith is, 'Commit your way to the
Lord; trust in him and he will do this' (Psalm 37:5) . . . Active faith
gives thanks for a promise even though it is not yet performed, knowing that
God's contracts are as good as cash . . . " (from Matthew Henry as quoted in
today's reading from Streams in the Desert)

Well I can hardly contain myself because I have an illustration to share
with you this morning. Last week, Tom Paschke, our Director of Housekeeping,
flew back to Seattle, Washington to spend a week with his family. Every so
often Tom questions where he should be -- America's KESWICK or Seattle. He
was in one of his seasons of discouragement when he left. On Tuesday night,
he and his cousin were walking to their hotel when a homeless man was being
harassed in front of the hotel. The men involved took off when the biker
police showed up. Tom and his cousin were questioned by the biker police and
asked for his identification. When the police came back, they arrested Tom.
On his record was a 1992 parole violation that was never handled, so he was
taken into custody.

Tom was totally blindsided about this as several years ago went back to
Seattle to have his record clear. He was helpless and so were we. At the
moment, there was nothing

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