Thursday, February 02, 2006



One of the disciplines of life that I encourage men (and women) to do is
to journal. I have shared with you before that I journal my morning
prayers. Yes, I write out my prayers. It has helped me to stay focused
on what I am praying rather than have my wandering mind go all over the

I also put dates and notations in my Bible and devotional books of
things that are taking place in my life. If you were to look at them,
there would not really be any significance to you, but for me, it is a
historical record of the things that the Lord is doing in my life. I
have noted by doing this, cycles of ups and downs in my spiritual
journey that help me understand how God has wired me. I find that some
of my staff go through cycles in their lives. It has been a good
exercise and one I commend to you.

Yesterday was one of those reminders of God's faithfulness in a very
difficult situation. Several years ago we were facing a monumental
financial struggle at America's KESWICK. Our employee health insurance
bill was due and we needed $25,000 to pay the bill. The bottom line was
that we did not have the money. Our staff gathered to worship and pray.
We knew we couldn't borrow the money -- so there was only ONE who could
provide it.

And the Lord did so in a dramatic way. A friend of the ministry loaned
us $25,000 as a short-term loan but said, "the real deal will be here on
Friday." Friday came. Friday went. No money. On Saturday morning before
our Board meeting, I met with God in the morning and from the devotional
STREAMS IN THE DESERT, here were the words from the WORD:
"This is my doing." (1 Kings 12:24)

As I read the message for the day, God reminded me that He was in
control and knew all about our situation. These words jumped off the
page, "Are you having problems with money, finding it hard to make ends
meet? "This is my doing," for I am the One who keeps your finances, and
I want you to learn to depend on Me. My supply is limitless and I "will
meet all your needs." (Philippians 4:19) I want to prove MY PROMISES so
no one may say, "You did not trust in the Lord your God." (Deut. 1:32)

An hour later, God proved HIS faithfulness. A Board member shared with
me that a friend had wired money into his account for America's KESWICK
on Thursday. On Friday when he went to the bank to transfer the money to
his checking account -- the amount? $25,000!!! The real deal WAS there
on Friday. And the amazing thing is the person who gave the money lives
in France! How did she know? OUR GOD IS AWESOME! HE KNEW OUR NEED.

Facing a challenge in your life? Financial? Health? Kids? Talk to Him
about it. Trust Him! He wants to WOW you with HIS goodness. And when He
does it -- take time to write it down. It will be a great reminder to
you and to your children and your children's children of God's
faithfulness and amazing work in your life.

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