Wednesday, February 08, 2006



From the pen of Fenelon in his classic work, THE SEEKING HEART
(available from the KESWICK ONLINE Bookstore --

"It seems that you need a larger heart when dealing with others'
shortcomings. Why are you so impatient if people don't correct their
faults immediately? Everyone has faults. I know that you cannot help
seeing them, nor can you prevent yourself from forming opinions about
the motives of those around you. If you were perfect, you could deal
with the imperfections of others without letting them bother you.

Don't be surprised at the defects in good people. God leaves weakness in
all of us. In those who are advanced, the weakness is our of proportion
to their otherwise mature life. In a field, a workman may leave a pillar
of earth to measure the amount of material removed. God leaves similar
pillars within those He is perfecting.

A person with visible shortcomings can be more spiritually advanced than
someone who is free from such defects. 'Perfect' people often want to
find fault with others for not being perfect. Fault-finding, even within
yourself, is just soulish enthusiasm. God's way is entirely different.
He sometimes allows people to remain deeply flawed in order to keep them
from being too satisfied with themselves. It would be easier for them to
be corrected of their failings than to feel conquered by their weakness.

People must learn to bear their own weakness as well as the weakness of
others. Why are you so upset by your neighbors' faults when your own are
still uncorrected? Your motives are not entirely pure in wanting to see
people perfected for God's glory. PEOPLE'S FAULTS BOTHER YOU BECAUSE

You can help others more by correcting your own faults than theirs.
Remember -- and you should, because of your own experience -- that
allowing God to correct your faults is not easy. Be patient with people!
Wait for God to work with them as HE wills. You need to be more
tender-hearted and compassionate toward the faults of others. Let
everything that bothers you flow like water under a bridge. Live in the
presence of God."

Wow -- not that is way too convicting? Pray through this as you think
about your relationship with your spouse, kids, co-workers and others
that the Holy Spirit might bring to mind today.

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