Tuesday, October 11, 2005


"Let Spirit-filled worship be a blend of our highest thoughts and our deeper feelings so that one of the goals of true worship be reached: the reshaping of our lives . . . Let us learn to meditate on God's power, His love, His wisdom, His holiness, His changelessness, His mercy, His glory . . . An increased deepening of praise, worship, thanksgiving is inevitable where worshippers are led to think on the manifold splendor of the Holy One, our God. Let us kneel to worship . . . let us rise to praise Him - -

the Almighty and Self Sufficient One,
the Entirely Holy Three-in-One,
the Merciful, Righteous and the Just,
the All-Knowing and All-Wise,
the Essence and Fountain of Love,
the Creator and Lord of Hosts,
the Absolute and Changeless One,
the Transcendent and Immanent One,
the True and Faithful One,
who, in all His wonder, grandeur and excellence,
has chosen to love us,
has sought to redeem us,
has sent His Son to us:
He has become our Father through the new birth He has made possible in Christ,
who was born of the virgin, lived sinlessly, taught truthfully, died vicariously for mankind,
whose blood and death are the ransom paid for me, providing completely for my eternal salvation.

who literally and physically rose from the dead,
who has ascended to the right hand of the Majesty on high and
who has poured out His Holy Spirit of power upon us,
that we might live in grace both now and forever.
Let the Father be praised!
Let His Son be worshipped!
Let His Spirit be manifested among us!" from WORSHIP HIS
MAJESTY by Dr. Jack Hayford, writer/composer of "MAJESTY"

And here is the bottom line, my friends -- this kind of worship is not just for Sunday! It is for every day of our lives! Be a worshipper today in all you do! Good words to consider and apply.

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