Friday, October 14, 2005

daily Freedom Fighters e-devotional from America's KESWICK For Friday, October 14, 2005


The hard part about writing Freedom Fighters is that having to live out
what you write! I wish I could tell you I have it all together, guys
(and you ladies that have joined us!). I am a slow learner and still in
process. After sharing what I read yesterday from STREAMS IN THE DESERT,
I purposed to pray about EVERYTHING as I moved through the day. Well I
didn't. And I must confess it was a frustrating day. I was short with
several of my co-workers . . . made issues out of stuff that should
have been "little" but turned big.

I have been trying to debrief at the end of the day and write in my
journal. Duh! Why didn't I practice what I wrote? I need to learn to
pray about EVERYTHING! Some of the situations I messed up yesterday
could have easily been averted had I just taken a few moments to pray
for wisdom, prayed for the right way to respond, and to just take a
"time out with the Lord to chill!"

Today in STREAMS . . . "God has a simplicity about Him in working out
His plans, and yet He possesses a resourcefulness equal to any
difficulty. His faithfulness to His trusting children is unwavering, and
He is steadfast in holding to His purpose. In Joseph's life, we see God
work through a fellow prisoner, later through a dream, and finally
through lifting Joseph from a prison to a position of governor. And the
length of Joseph's prison stay gave him the strength and steadiness he
needed as governor. It is always safe to trust God's methods and to live
by HIS clock . . . DIFFICULTY is actually the atmosphere surrounding a
miracle, or a miracle in its initial stage. Yet if it is to be a great
miracle, that surrounding condition will not simply be a difficulty, but
an utter IMPOSSIBILITY! And it is the clinging hand of His child that
makes a desperate situation a delight to God!" -- Streams in the Desert

Wow! Powerful words today! Well here's the deal -- I am going to purpose
to pray about EVERYTHING today! How about you? In fact, I will also do
this -- if you pray for me -- I will pray for you! Thanks for being my

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