Monday, September 05, 2005


People are funny when it comes to their grass! I served with an organization for many years and it was the "unpardonable sin" to walk on the grass. It was funny that they built some really nice tennis courts and forgot to put in paths. There were signs leading up to the courts that said: "Do not walk on the grass." Not sure how you were supposed to get there . . .

One of my friends sent me a photo of a sign he saw in Maine: "GRASS GROWS BY INCHES AND DIES BY FEET ... PLEASE STAY ON THE PATH." That is a really cool sign and reminder for each of us.

The writer of the little book of 1 John wrote in chapter 2:6 "the one who says he abides in Him out to walk in the same manner as He did." How do we do that? Dr. Warren Wiersbe in his commentary, "BE REAL" says: "Jesus Himself taught the disciples what it means to abide in Him. He explains it in His illustration of the vine and the branches (John 15). Just as the branch gets its life by remaining in contact with the vine, so believers receive their strength by maintaining fellowship with Christ. To abide in Christ means to depend completely on Him for all that we need in order to live for Him and serve Him. It is a living relationship. As He lives out HIS life THROUGH me, we are able to follow His example and walk as He walked.

Christ lives out HIS life THROUGH me by the power of the Spirit who lives within our bodies. It is not by means of IMITATION that we abide in Christ and walk as He walked. No, it is through INCARNATION: through HIS Spirit. 'CHRIST LIVETH IN ME!' To walk in the light is to walk in the Spirit and not to fulfill the lusts of the flesh (Galatians 5:16)."

Apart from Christ, my friend, IT IS NOT JUST DIFFICULT TO LIVE THE CHRISTIAN LIFE -- IT IS IMPOSSIBLE! He wants to live HIS life THROUGH YOU -- "CHRIST IN YOU -- THE HOPE OF GLORY." (Colossians 1:27)

Today, stay of the path -- allow Christ to live His life THROUGH you today. Enjoy your Labor Day!

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