Saturday, September 17, 2005


"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost" (Romans 15:13).

Hope is an indispensable quality of life, and yet the cry of humanity seems to be, "Is there no hope?" Perhaps that is the echo of your heart. Dark clouds have invaded your horizon. Boisterous waves threaten to destroy your frail vessel. Friends and family have disappointed you. Dreams lie shattered at your feet. Sickness has invaded your body. All seems hopeless. With God, however, there are no hopeless situations, just those situations about which we grow

Listen to the Lord's health-giving advice in Matthew 11:28: "Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." One of the most trying means by which God accomplishes His purpose in our lives is when we are forced to sit still When our hearts yearn to do something for Him, when we would like to be active witnessing for Christ, when we long to do something important, probably even spectacular, then the Lord Jesus places us in a position of
inactivity, causing us to learn the lesson of quietness and stillness where our hope is found only in Him. Be grateful that God is working out His purpose in your life. Those trials are evidence not of abandonment but of His confidence that this trial will produce glory to His name. Thus you can leave the future in God's hands without demanding a detailed road map. Real security comes from saying yes to God's plan for your life. In the challenge of darkness, with waves and
breakers sweeping over you, Jesus brings a calm, a "Hush, be still!" to the human heart. Not only can we hold on, we can be strong in His strength.

As we allow God's joy and peace to invade our souls, He will cause us to abound in hope instead of helplessness. Everything will be all right! The God of hope guarantees it. It's not our strength that God needs, but our willingness to use His strength. No situation is beyond the touch of Omnipotence.

Rev. W. Claire Greiner

Scripture Reading: Exodus 7-8; Matthew 15:1-20


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