Sunday, August 14, 2005


As you prepare your heart for worship this morning, reminded of the glorious truth that Christ dwells in YOU! Dr. Jack Hayford says that "right where you are, Christ's salvation has laid the foundation for a temple -- a tabernacle for worship. He invites you to open your life to become a holy site -- a place where He can meet with you, dwell with you, and manifest His presence to you and through you. It is Jesus who makes this possible -- 'Christ in you, the hope of glory!' (Colossians 1:27) Build a life of worship 'according to the pattern that was shown you on the mount' (Exodus 25:40). Let each furnishing become a stepping-stone to a full-house life of worship, responding to his call that we:

* rejoice in the completed sacrifice Jesus has achieved for us,
* be purified from the things that would clutter or pollute our lives,
* feed on His Word, letting the Holy Spirit illuminate it and apply it to our lives,
* lift the sweet fragrance of praise and worship from our hearts to the Lord, and,
* come to the mercy seat, where grace and forgiveness are ever assured, and. . . abide there!

Good words to ponder on this HOT Lord's day.

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