Monday, August 29, 2005


"In an impressive show of power, God created science. On an even deeper level, He DESIGNED the science that He created. How exhilarating to be not only fascinated by the science, but also captivated by the DESIGNER who stands behind it all.

But know this: this same God is uncontrollable. When you come to know Him, it will only be on HIS terms. To know Him is to trust Him; to trust Him is to rest in Him. He will give you the rest you seek, but only after He has shaken the foundations of your life.

What kind of power do we so blithely invoke? He spoke the universe into existence. Nothingness obeys His voice. He controls time, space, matter, and light. He monitors the position of every elementary particle. He is sufficient unto Himself. He does not need anybody or anything to
accomplish His purposes. He answers to no one. He obeys on His own counsel. He works on thousands of levels all at the same time. His scientific sophistication is unfathomable. He created the laws of physics and appears to be a 'pure mathematician.' He intelligence is so superior, according to Einstein, that in comparison 'all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an insignificant reflection.'

Look up the word OMNIPOTENT. Either He is or He isn't. And if He is, we had better prepare ourselves to accept the consequences. 'It is madness to wear ladies' straw hats and velvet hats to church,' concludes Dallas

Willard. 'We should all be wearing crash helmets. Ushers should issue life preservers and signal flares; they should leash us to our pews.'

Let the record show: God's power is impressive. It should not be underestimated. The deficiency comes not from a lack of God's power but rather a lack of our own faith. Busyness is sometimes what happens when we forget who God is.

Reflect on the word omnipotent. If God has infinite power, what implications does that have for your life? Do you suppose He would share some of His power with you if it were in your best interest? But perhaps, you think, He doesn't know that I need it? Reflect on the word
omniscient. Either He is or He isn't. He knows what you need even before you do, But perhaps, you think, He doesn't care. Reflect on the word compassionate. Either He is or He isn't. If God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-caring, you don't need to run your life by yourself any longer. What is keeping you from trusting Him with your family, your finances, and your future?"

Timely words in light of the storms in the South.

from the pen on Dr. Richard Swenson -- A MINUTE OF MARGIN -- RESTORING BALANCE TO BUSY LIVES, published by NavPress.

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