Monday, August 08, 2005


Here are some insights on temptation from our good friend, Pat Williams:

1. When in doubt -- don't do it!
2. To tell whether an action is right or wrong, ask what would happen if everyone did it.
3. "Whenever the New Testament lingers on the subject of sensual temptation, it gives one command -- RUN! The Bible does not tell us to reason with it. It does not tell us to think about it and claim verses. It tells us to FLEE! I have discovered that you cannot yield to sensuality if you are running away from it. So -- run for your life! Get out of there! If you try to reason with lust or play around with sensual thoughts, you will finally yield. You can't fight it. That's why the Spirit of God forcefully commands, 'RUN'! (from Chuck Swindoll)
4. Never give the enemy opportunity to trip you by offering him ammunition. 'Any movie, book, magazine, friend, party, event or website that puts temptation into your mind is an open door to allow Satan into your life.
5. Never let self-assurance blind you to the possibility of an attack; never allow yourself to feel impervious to a fall.

Good words from "Unsinkable ...Getting Out of Life's Pits and Staying Out" by Pat Williams published by Revell

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