Saturday, August 06, 2005


I am an avid reader and this weekend I finished a new book by one of my favorite authors, Jack Cavanaugh. Jack teamed up with the late Dr. Bill Bright to write a series of historical fiction books based on the revivals in America known as the Great Awakening. The second book in the
series is called FIRE. It is based on the preaching ministry of Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield.

The main character of the story is Pastor Josiah Rush and he has recorded in his journal insight into the "soul sickness" he observed in the lives of the people of his town. He describes six distinct stages of soul sickness that are worth considering today:

1. INSENSITIVITY -- there is a cooling of spiritual zeal. Worship becomes routine. Bible reading and prayer are neglected. The things of the world take on greater importance than the things of the kingdom. God is thought to be distant, and thus is no longer feared. Men's spirits
become calloused.

2. INITIAL PAIN -- one becomes dissatisfied with life. Things that once were pleasurable become ordinary, even despised. There is no satisfaction in work. Family members are taken for granted or ignored. Food and drink lose their ability to cheer. There is a general feeling
of anxiety about life.

3. INCREASED PAIN -- Depression sets in, as does bitterness and resentment. Dissatisfaction turns to anger. Those infected are quick to blame others and quick to find fault. There is a loss of sleep and a loss of appetite. At this stage relationships cause more pain than joy. People are defensive and quick to anger.

4. UNCHARACTERISTIC BEHAVIOR PATTERNS EMERGE -- there is a noticeable change in personality. There are premeditated acts of revenge and hate that never would have been associated with the person previously. Camaraderie and wicked joy is found in promoting acts of party spirit. (At this stage, Christians often realize that what they are doing is wrong, but they find themselves unable to stop.) The cycle of guilt starts.

5. INCREASE IN DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR -- shameful, hurtful, divisive acts are rationalized as being justified. The infected persons are blinded to the consequences of their actions. A prideful martyr spirit grows to such extent that the persons infected not only believe they are
justified in their sinful acts, they take pride in their sin.

6. THE SPIRIT DIES -- All guilt is gone. A person sins without fear of impunity. Corruption, immorality, blasphemy, rage, drunkenness, orgies, factions, and idolatry are accepted and at times embraced as part of being human. Acts of sin are viewed as empowering. Violence is enjoyed. Self-destructive behavior results. The person lives as an antichrist.

Interesting observations for our consideration from 1740! Does it sound familiar? Check out YOUR heart today. I recommend this series to you. Available in the KESWICK BOOKSTORE:
FIRE by Jack Cavanaugh published by Howard Publishing.

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