Wednesday, August 31, 2005


"Our God delights in taking the worst of circumstances of life and transforming them into stunning triumphs for His people. In a word, He is the God of turnabouts.

The Lord not only brings good out of evil, He turns evil on its head. He not only overcomes the outrage, He turns it inside out. God will use the most unlike scenarios to display His own omnipotence and the powerlessness of His enemies. God is often exactly where we do not expect to see Him, bringing good out of bad, turning evil inside out.

When our world is caving in, when things look as grim as they possibly can, when it seems as though Satan has applied the coup de grace to our fondest hopes and greatest desires -- at precisely that point the Strong One steps in and brandishes the evil for His glory!

Now, THAT is a God to worship! That is a God to adore! And that is the God who fills the universe with His splendor -- not some shuffling, half-dead, powerless deity who's in it way over his head.

As you focus your attention on the everlasting God, you, too, may see your worst nightmares fade and vanish into the shadows as the blinding brilliance of God's perfect plan for you takes shape. You, too, may be surprised at the unorthodox ways God chooses to bring Himself glory.
Just when you think you have this business of turn-abouts figured out, another one hurtles you through your back door in a form and guise unlooked for. Just when you believe you know how God must act in a certain situation, the turnabout shifts shape before your unbelieving eyes. BUT ALWAYS THE SAME GOD IS BEHIND THEM ALL! -- Steve Holliday HOW GREAT THOU ART -- A Daily Devotional, published by Multnomah

"Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly." Philippians 1:12-14

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