Thursday, July 21, 2005


"God's power is undeniable; His precision is impressive; His sovereignty is on display. How can such power fail to dominate every thought and action? Why do we trust Him more? Is it not that God has failed to clearly demonstrate His nature or that He has been lax in instructing us? It is just that we are slow to understand. This world is too much with us.

What we need is a new vision of God. The real God. Not some vague image we fold up and stuff in the back drawer of life, but the kind of God who parts the Red Sea and shakes Mount Sinai. The kind of God who stuns physicists with symmetry, the mathematicians with precision, the
engineers with design, the politicians with power, and the poets with beauty.

The Scriptures build our understanding of God's sovereignty on a practical level -- by that I mean the kind of knowledge that affects our everyday behavior. But science is also a fascinating source of revelation, and increasingly so.

The spiritual implications of modern science are impossible to dismiss. They are a stick of dynamite under the front porch of our spiritual complacency. When we lift any stone of the universe, God's fingerprints stare back at us. Everything is there, waiting to be discovered. All the evidence we need, and more.

When we understand the sovereignty, power, design, majesty, precision, genius, intimacy, and caring of an almighty God, it takes away our fear. It removes our frustrations. It allows us to sleep at night and trust Him with the running of our own universe. It allows us to have margin.
It allows us to resume our proper role in the order of things rather than taking over His role. It allows us to seek His will rather than following our own mind.

The more we understand about God's power, the less we worry about our weakness. The more we trust in God's sovereignty, the less we fret about the future.

Richard Swenson, published by NavPress.

Good words for us to ponder today. Has Freedom Fighter encouraged you? Then there are two ways to help: 1. Share it with a friend, and 2. Let us hear from you with your comments. Have a great day.

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