Monday, July 11, 2005


Yesterday I was blessed with one of those special "God sightings" in my life. One of my dear brothers and partner-in-ministry invited me to come to share the Word at his church. The church is in a beautiful section of Vineland, NJ, and Pastor Tony is the pastor of a growing family of special believers who are in love with Jesus.

Tony grew up on the mission field and his huge heart for people is quite obvious. But more than that, Pastor Tony has fallen in love with Jesus and it was downright refreshing and exciting to see him with his people. He is a gifted pastor-teacher, but on top of that, because of the make-up of his congregation which is comprised of Anglos, Mexicans and Hispanics, he does the service in English and Spanish. He does his own translating from English to Spanish.

I went yesterday to share God's word with these precious people, but I came away with my socks blessed off! The worship was absolutely incredible. As I stood there listening and watching, I couldn't help but think of David's words: "Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands!

Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing." (Psalm 100:1-2)

Several things touched me:
The worshiped with joy! Their faces radiated their love for God. There were three distinct people groups represented in the congregation. But that didn't hinder them from worshipping TOGETHER! The worship was not all about them -- it was all about HIM! Watching the musicians serve yesterday was awesome. The musicians were smiling and excited to be serving Him And the singing -- oh my! The singing was exhilarating. And why shouldn't it be? They were lifting there sacrifices of praise to the one who has TRANSFORMED their hearts.

One young man behind me was recently saved from a life of drug addiction. Not only was he using -- he was a dealer. And when Jesus came into his heart -- he was TRANSFORMED. He placed a new song in his heart and gave him something to shout and sing about.

How about you? Is your worship joyful? Do you serve the Lord with gladness? Is there a new song in your heart this morning? Then don't hold back! Sing to the One who loves to hear you praise Him. It isn't all about you! It's all about Him!

Good words to ponder today.

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