Sunday, July 03, 2005


This poem was written by my childhood Pastor and friend, Pastor George
Van Sandt. It is a powerful! I trust on this Lord's day it will
encourage your heart.


I try to remember just how long it is.

Israel was 500 years in Egypt held

Then Moses came to them

Just to ring liberty's bell.

Among the nations of the world

We may be the youngest of all

Yet in the annals of history

No one can recall

A nation that grew so fast

Or that has traveled so far.

Industrialization came first to Europe

Yet they are not where we are.

How long will we be the leader?

Who would dare to guess?

A nation that forgets its God

Cannot by God be blessed.

When all of the nations of the world

Rise up to stamp us out,

Who will come to aid us then?

Do you know what its all about?

Talk about Goliath

And David with his sling,

But it was the God of David

That enables us to sing.

Our weapons may be many

And powerful beyond any known

But without the Lord of Hosts to aid

We will stand-alone.

"If my people..." God said,

Not President, Congress or Court.

If only God's people will repent and, as

His soldiers, for their duty report.

The God who opened up the Red Sea,

Who made Syrian soldiers run,

Will fight our battles for us

Will stop the enemies gun.

So trust not in diplomacy

Or military might.

Trust in our Lord above

For He will do what's right.

When they killed the Righteous one

And laid Him in His grave.

They thought they had destroyed all hope,

Killing Him who came to save.

They thought that the war was ended

For His disciples fled and froze.

Yet Easter dawn turned it all around

As from the grave He arose!

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